If you would like to take part in our event, please fill in the needed information in the form below and you will be automatically registered.
On April 9th, beginning after the A.M. Worship Service and Children's Church classes, we will be having our Easter Egg Hunt on the church's lawn.
Nursery and Children's Church are available for all children ages 0-12 during the A.M. Worship Service!
Sunday School: 9:30 A.M.
A.M. Worship/ Children's Church: 10:45 A.M.
After you pick up your child from nursery and/or children's church, there will be a table in the Children's Ministry foyer where you can check in your child for the egg hunt.
Once you check in, volunteers will lead you to the age-appropriate area for the egg hunt.
Here are some specifics:
• Check in opens after A.M Service (A.M. Service begins at 10:45 A.M.) Activities will begin once everyone is checked in.
• We encourage everyone wanting to participate in this event to register, so we can have enough candy and prizes for everyone!
• Activities are split up into different age groups, so no need to worry about older kids taking all the eggs!
First Baptist Church of Canton MI
44500 Cherry Hill Road
Canton, MI